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Giovedì 2 Maggio ore 20.00
Spettacolo selezionato a IN-BOX 2017 e all’interno del FESTIVAL DEL SILENZIO
in collaborazione con IETM Satellite Milano 2019 “Barriere di lingua e comunicazione nell’arte e nella cultura”
ZONA K Via Spalato 11 | MILANO
Ingresso/Price: €15 /€10 (under 25, over 65 and groups of min. 8 people) – Tickets avalilable at ZONA K
Lo spettacolo si terrà in lingua inglese
There are three half-naked bodies exposed on stage on purpose: alive and uncensored body masses, true and far different from those usually exposed. Three women. Not young anymore, not yet old, definitely not perfect. Yet they are beautiful, for they are authentic. In a surreal show, they offer themselves to the public as they are, bodies without home or space, evicted from their own self. Off to follow, devour and multiply their own shadows. An ironic and tragicomic look at femininity.
In My Place, the quest for a movement that emerges from the nonconventional bodies of actresses-authoresses of Qui e Ora and the experimentation of self-produced dramaturgy meet Silvia Gribaudi’s ironic approach to and research on the contemporary.
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