3 uomini e una donna seduti lanciano foglietti


Culture is not an elite profession:
it’s a general condition that completes everybody’s lives.
Elio Vittorini

Coltivare Cultura (supported by Fondazione Cariplo) aims at sustaining the cultural participation of the local population. Cultivating Culture “shared culture for a participatory citizenship” is now in its second year and, together with the partner organisation delleAli Residenza Textura, it is conducted in the surroundings of Bergamo and Vimercate. The artistic practices and the planning aim at the production of cultural acts that arise from the deep listening to the local area and population and are offered as an answer to their needs.

The projects involves 10 municipalities near Bergamo and 6 near Vimercate, as well as many local organisations. It also involves public libraries, other institutional places traditionally hosting cultural activities, important historical places, places where daily life goes on full of relationships and exchange opportunities, like cafés, restaurants, wine industries, craft cooperatives and a network of private homes.

At the core of Coltivare Cultura there are workshops, theatrical surveys, performances, theatrical reviews and collective actions of participatory art.


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