Qui e Ora has been working in the area of Bergamo and its surroundings conducting the artistic and cultural project Coltivare Cultura.(website) This projects aims at bringing the local area and population at the core of the artistic experiment through workshops, surveys and festivals.


The Barn (Il Granaio) is an artist-in-residence program where various artistic groups and many educational actions are put in place all over the area of Bergamo. The Barn is located in Arcene (BG), one of the municipalities where Qui e Ora works, precisely in Piazza della Civiltà Contadina, a square that dates back to the XVIth Century. Arcene is a cultural centre that can welcome artistic groups and can focus the attention of different audiences from the surrounding area.


Qui e Ora has developed numerous productions ranging from theater, site specific performance, the theater at home and in non-canonical places.

Productions adults
Site specific
Productions kids

The Qui e Ora projects here and now are moving in the direction of creation, accompaniment and support of a “new” theater audiences by intervening directly on the territories with specific projects.

tournée il calendario delle produzioni di Qui e Ora / vedi tutto ⟶

Qui e Ora Residenza Teatrale


Centro Chikù/Napoli (NA)

Qui e Ora / Sosta Palmizi


Teatro del Lido di Ostia/Ostia (Roma)

programmazione le rassegne e i festival organizzati da Qui e Ora / vedi tutto ⟶

Attualmente non ci sono eventi in programma.

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